Have you always wanted to raise hens for farm fresh eggs, but were afraid that your neighbors would turn you in? I used to be one of those people that just assumed that I could not legally own chickens. I lived in a residential area and didn’t think it was possible. Well a little research and 5 hens later, I now know that you don’t need to live on a farm or a ranch in order to raise farm fresh organic eggs. Let’s cover my top five reasons you should own chickens.
Five Reasons You Should Own Chickens
- First of all, once you’ve had farm fresh eggs, you’ll never purchase eggs from the supermarket again. There’s no comparison! I challenge you to a taste test.
- Owning laying hens will help improve the quality of your families diet. Farm fresh eggs are much healthier then store bought eggs. Store bought eggs are often weeks old by the time they are stocked.
- Another great reason to raise your own chickens is that not only will you get great tasting eggs, you’ll also get free fertilizer for the garden, and free pest control for the yard if you let the hens free range. Make sure to compost all the droppings and wood shavings after cleaning out the coop.
- Raising your own chickens means that you are in control of how your chickens are treated. Many chickens live out their lives confined to industrial environments. You have the power to give a few hens a better life.
- Chickens add great personality to your property. They’re hysterical and entertaining pets to own. I love watching my chickens roam around the yard, and so will you.
So I really might be able to raise chickens without owning a farm? How do I know for sure?
The best way to determine whether or not you qualify to own chickens and raise farm fresh eggs for yourself, is to check your city regulations. You might be surprised at just how many chickens you are legally allowed to own even though you don’t live out in the country on a poultry ranch.
So if you’re ready to get a few hens and start raising your own farm fresh eggs, I highly recommend heading down to your nearest feed store. They will be able to set you up with everything you need to get started, and also help answer any questions that you might have. If you’re handy with a saw and a hammer then I’m sure you can manage to build yourself a nice little coop. Play your cards right and you may even save a few dollars while you’re at it. If not, there are plenty of pre-made chicken coops out there for sale. You can even get fancy with a Made in USA automatic chicken coop door opener. Just remember one thing, the key to a successful chicken coop is easy access. You want to make sure that the coop has plenty of access. Having an accessible coop will make cleaning an easy chore.
Do you own chickens of your own? Leave us a comment and let us know about your favorite chicken stories.