New Hens For The Urban Farm

Fuzzy little Rhode Island Red hens pose for their portrait

New Rhode Island Red hens added to the urban farmTwo weekends ago we picked up a couple of new hens to add to the urban farm. This time we opted for two Rhode Island Reds. Once they’re ready, we’ll introduce them to our three Ameraucana hens.

Egg production already averages between one and two eggs a day with the Ameraucana’s. I’m hoping that the daily egg production will increase to somewhere between two and four eggs, in about six months when the Rhode Island Reds start producing. I’m also hoping that the Rhode Island Reds will continue to lay eggs during the winter when the Ameraucana’s tend to slow way down due to less available daylight.

Here are a few photographs of how the Rhode Island Reds looked. This was about two weeks ago when we first brought them home. It’s absolutely amazing how fast they grow and change.

After the first week, their wings and tail-feathers had grown about half an inch. Now, after two weeks, their wings are long enough for the little hens to take short flight. Almost all of their down feathers have been covered up by their exterior feathers. So far, it looks like the Rhode Island Reds will have markings equally as beautiful to the Ameraucana’s.

Do you have chickens? If so, leave a comment and let us know all about them.

2 thoughts on “New Hens For The Urban Farm

  1. Thanks for the comment Amy, and thanks for visiting The Pioneer Way. The chicks are already past the ugly stage and pretty much fully dressed in their adult feathers. I just can’t seem to post photos as fast as they grow!

    I haven’t kicked them completely out on their own yet, but they’ve spent each afternoon free-ranging in the yard with the older hens. They’ve adapted seamlessly and all of the hens are getting along perfectly without incident. Yeah!


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